FRED 3D Target Sampler
Bring the challenge of realistic training to you with the FRED SAMPLER. This complete shooting system is the most economical way to determine how the KTBM (FRED target system) performs in your training environment. FRED can stand, lean, kneel, sit, and comfortably assume the most common human positions. With its legs it can stand behind a door, slice the pie around a corner, or hide behind a hostage. Containing 2 TORSO's and 2 LEG's plus one accessory board (SUIT), dress these target systems up with 14 photorealistic accessories.
------------------------------------Value of Design---------------------------------------
When you practice shooting for self-defense you need a realistic, budget-friendly target with strike zones that reflect vital organ placement regardless of the angle of the attacker. Why? Because in 93.42% of the 50 gunfights we studied involving 152 armed individuals*, the people fighting did NOT face their opponent square but rather always at an angle, which placed their vital organs off the conventional-center-of-mass.
The odds that the attacker you will face will stand square to you like a flat target at a range are 6.58%. If this is how you choose to continue training, then that might as well be your odds of survival if your defensive training consists of flat targets.
------------------------------------Technical Specs----------------------------------------
- Strong enough to withstand over 500 rounds of 45ACP shot on the move from 130-degree angle at 7 yards yet is still useable by replacing the VOICE.
- Strong enough to withstand dozens of 12-gauge 00 Buckshot and slugs as shown in our field testing.
- Tender enough to be used with UTM and Simunition rounds, or BBs to where the Vital Organs will effectively mark.
- Sturdy enough to withstand a few stormy days, nights outdoor, and still be useable.
- Simple enough to assemble in less than a minute without tools, staples, or tape.
- Versatile enough to fit any stand, and even accommodate angle shooting from a static lane with its 45-degree left and right anchor.
--------------------------------Dimensions & Pricing-------------------------------------
Package Dimensions: 24x36x2 inches; 5.4 lbs.
Product Dimensions (Torso): Folded 23-1/4x30-1/4x ¼ inches – Formed 30-1/4” tall x 18” wide x 5” deep. 11 ounces.
Product Dimensions (Stand): Folded 23-1/4x28x ¼ inches – Formed 41-1/2” tall x 10-1/2” wide x 15” deep. 15 ounces.
Product Dimensions (Suit) : 30” tall x 23” wide. 12 ounces.
Wholesale / Institutional Pricing : No, but other groupings do offer a discount.